From the Classical Blogosphere

Head of School Ty Fischer has reminded us more than once through this wild ride of a year that “our God is still on his throne, and He is not up for re-election.”

Kylee Bowman, Veritas Academy, Leola, PA

As I contemplate the state of education for all children in our nation for the upcoming school year and beyond, my passion  and dedication to CCS and the classical, Christian education we love and cherish remains steadfast.   Even as we face a year of unknowns as never before, the things that matter the most remain unchanged.  CCS was established to provide an education that seeks first and foremost to glorify God, to make disciples of Christ, to view all knowledge through a biblical worldview, and to stir within hearts and minds a desire to seek truth, goodness, and beauty in the world.  For this reason, our dedication to this mission and vision is not dependent upon the state of our health, our economy, or our culture.

–Laurie Thigpen, Covenant Classical School, Concord, NC

In “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey wrote that anyone who wants to succeed in an endeavor must “begin with the end in mind.” 

How many of us grew up attending school unaware of the kind of person into whom it was shaping us?  How many parents send their children to school without ever pausing to reflect on this question?  …  Sometimes a school’s educational goals are explicitly articulated, and sometimes they are merely implied.  But they are always there, and they always matter.

—Patrick Halbrook, Cary Christian School, Cary, NC

But classical education varies considerably from conventional education. It holds to a different metaphysical paradigm (i.e., it holds to different assumptions about the nature of reality and the way we know it), orders its curriculum around different principles, regards the child differently, is mission-driven rather than market-driven (indeed, it seeks to heal the market it serves), and seeks different ends for its students.

What it boils down to is this: it is imperative that we think deeply and consistently about what classical education is. For in the end, classical education is a rich and vigorous stewardship — and that demands responsibility.

CiRCE Institute

COVID-19 gives us an opportunity to pause and consider our own lives. Heaven has hit the pause button so we might think upon life and death. We only have so much time in this world. We can either choose the stubborn delusion of hope that Camus, Lennon, Gadot and the secular world offers, or we can choose to accept our frailty and rest securely in the love of God in Jesus Christ.

Regents Academy, Nacogdoches, TX

I begin every campus day with my kindergartners in the same way. … When I know I have everyone’s attention we fold our hands, close our eyes, bow our heads, and pray this prayer together:

Prayer for Generosity

Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve You as You deserve.

To give and not to count the cost,

To fight and not to heed the wounds,

To toil and not to seek for rest,

To labor and not to ask for reward,

Save that of knowing I am doing Your will,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

–Tonia Strange, Valley Classical School, Blacksburg, VA, “Prayer for Generosity” [often attributed to St. Ignatius]